Recent Projects: ISM-6
We have a focus to innovate our products and services through new technology. A recent project gave Proto-1 the opportunity to do just that with a work cell containing a RFM-6 and an ISM-6. For the first time on the ISM-6, Proto-1 implemented a programmable servo fixture along with a tube orientation sensor. The servo fixture allowed for hands free operation near the machine during an auto cycle while also maintaining the same position for each part. This feature not only improved upon the accuracy of the machine but was a big factor regarding machine safety and usability per our customer’s poka-yoke requirements.
Working in conjunction with the fixture, the tube orientation sensor determined if the tube was loaded properly each cycle due to its bent nature. If the tube’s orientation was slightly off, the machine could not engage an auto cycle. This sensor helps any operator ensure a repeatable process. Light curtains were also installed for the first time on an ISM-6, resulting in increased operator safety.
Custom Jigs & Fixtures
Proto-1 specializes in designing and manufacturing custom made jigs and fixtures. Custom jigs and fixtures provide a range of benefits for a tube end forming project.
A primary benefit of a fixture is proper loading. When working with bent parts, loading without a fixture can be difficult and result in a non-conforming part should the tube be loaded improperly. A custom fixture prevents this problem as there is only one way to load the tube into the fixture.
Another benefit of a custom fixture is additional safety. With a fixture, the operator spends less time and handling near the loaded tube while the machine is running. In the case of small or short tubes, a fixture will be used as the loading device, keeping the operator’s hands away from the running area.
Custom jigs and fixtures can increase the through-put of a project. In the past, Proto-1 has developed automated fixtures that will shuttle the part to the next process in a streamlined manner. These automated fixtures are quicker than their human counterpart and require less operator interaction with the product.
Our in-house engineers can design a fixture to fit any tube. Fixtures can be designed through customer tube specifications or reverse engineered from a physical tube. Once the tube is laser scanned, a fixture cradle can be manufactured.
New Team Members
We would like to take the time to recognize two new members of the Proto-1 team, Kenny Jones and Don Stahmann. Kenny will be working in our electrical department as an electrical assembler. Donald will also be assisting in our electrical department as an electrical control engineer.
Community Involvement
This year Proto-1 will again be partnering with the Children’s Cancer Family Foundation. We will be designing and manufacturing the Big Heart Award for this years Gold Ribbon Gala that takes place on May 10th. To learn more about this organization please visit their website.
Virtual Tour V2
We recently revamped our virtual tour! Take the time to check out the latest version to see all of Proto-1 in-house capabilities on display.