Knurling Technology & Innovation
Proto-1 is always working on new technology and innovation for the tube and pipe industry. This past month we have been working on 2 different knurling projects that we have not done before. The first knurling project used our SRM-336 (Single Ram Machine) to manufacture the knurl. This application can be used for any handle for added grip. The knurl provides aesthetic appeal to the handle as well as providing better grip. Many handle applications in today’s industry use a sandblasting application to provide added grip. Sandblasting is simply an application that uses a jet of sand driven by compressed air to roughen a surface. While sandblasting does add some grip, a knurl done on Proto-1’s SRM-336 adds even more.
Another recent project that Proto-1 has been working on is incorporating a knurl on a part that also contains a double bead. We have designed the tooling to manufacture this part all in one tool. Combining all the operations into one tool will help increase manufacturing efficiency. The knurl was needed to provide extra clamp strength when the clamp is assembled onto this part.
Proto-1 Community Involvement
Manufacturing will always be a key sector of our economy and training/educating talent for the future is critical for manufacturing companies like Proto-1. This past month a few members from our quality department gave a presentation at Winneconne High School. The presentation was given to the design and engineering classes at the high school to educate them on how manufacturing companies measure quality. Quality is a critical aspect of our manufacturing process and the technology today has given manufacturing companies the ability to quickly and accurately measure parts. Proto-1 demonstrated how to use our Faro Edge Scanning Arm to measure parts. Proto-1 enjoys these opportunities to educate young minds to help keep the manufacturing talent strong for future years.
CCFF Gala Event
Early in March Proto-1 had the honor of participating in the annual event for the Children’s Cancer Family Foundation. During the event, the Big Heart Award was given out to 3 special individuals making a difference in the battle with cancer. Proto-1 designed and manufactured the Big Heart Award and donated them to the foundation for the event. The award was designed by Louis Metzig.
Virtual Tour
Make sure to check out our latest production! Click the picture below to see our virtual tour!